June 12, 2019 — Three Palm Software announced the release of the 1.8.8 version of its breast imaging workstation, WorkstationOne. This release builds on the existing comprehensive support for mammography, with enhancements in several areas. An emphasis of this release is expanded custom display mechanisms for new mammography computer-aided detection (CAD) systems, decision support and breast density reports. This includes customized report display for approximately 20 different vendors (not all of which are available for clinical use yet).
Tomosynthesis CAD from vendors such as iCAD and ScreenPoint, and interactive decision support for ScreenPoint’s Transpara products, are all supported. The system can also automatically extract and display scoring information from the received reports and include that in the user’s reading worklist in order to prioritize reading order. Similarly, breast density information from vendors such as Volpara, Densitas and iCAD is extracted and displayed with the images, and can be used to set the initial state for reported breast density.
For more information: www.threepalmsoft.com