Koning Vera Breast CT

December 12, 2023 — Koning Health, a leader in innovative breast imaging technology, announced its participation at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2023 Annual Meeting. The event, renowned for its educational courses, scientific sessions, and technical exhibits, provided an ideal platform for Koning to showcase its revolutionary product, the Koning Vera Breast CT.

The RSNA 2023 meeting, attended by thousands of professionals, highlighted the latest developments in radiology, offering over 400 educational and scientific sessions. Koning Health seized this opportunity to demonstrate their FDA PMA approved Koning Vera Breast CT (KBCT), the latest commercially available advancement in breast CT technology. With its reduced scanning time of just 7 seconds per breast and multifunctional capabilities for highly detailed 3D evaluation of breast tissue and 3D guided biopsy, Vera has set a new standard in breast cancer imaging.

Breast cancer is treatable when detected early, but finding cancers early enough has been a significant challenge for standard mammography which miss about 30% of cancers. The KBCT addresses this gap by offering NO-COMPRESSION, TRUE 3D Breast CT technology, vastly improving the detection of breast cancer. The device's ability to detect cancers as early as stage 0 and stage 1 and identify lesions as small as 2mm and calcifications as small as 200 microns represents a significant leap forward in early cancer detection.

At the recent RSNA, Koning had the great opportunity of showcasing their device at the Swissray booth - Swissray has recently signed on as one of Koning's distributor partners. The booth attracted a substantial number of visitors, including clinicians, researchers, and healthcare professionals, eager to learn about the transformative potential of the KBCT. The device's sensitivity coupled with its ability to take the place of multiple imaging applications (i.e. biopsy, contrast enhancement, and an alternative for breast MRI imaging) garnered significant interest. It is clear that Koning continues to maintain its leading technological and regulatory advantage versus competitors who were also present at RSNA.

RSNA served as a pivotal moment for Koning Health, reinforcing its position as a trailblazer in the breast  imaging industry and confirming the need for breast CT as another breast imaging option for patients. The company's participation with Swissray at this prestigious event has not only highlighted its dedication to advancing healthcare but also its commitment to providing better diagnostic solutions for millions of women worldwide.

For more information: www.koninghealth.com

Find more RSNA23 conference coverage here


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