August 28, 2013 — VuComp Inc. announced it has installed its advanced computer-aided detection (CAD) system, M-Vu CAD, at Allison Breast Center in Richmond, Va. The VuComp system, the first of its kind in Virginia, will analyze images from the clinic’s new Philips MicroDose Mammography system. Women in the region will have access to the world’s most advanced tools to help detect breast cancer as early as possible in order to achieve the best outcomes. VuComp’s M-Vu system analyzes mammographic images and marks suspicious areas using sophisticated mathematical algorithms.
“Our experience with VuComp’s CAD system has been extremely satisfactory in that it does not overcall and certainly is very sensitive to real abnormalities,” said Michael Bigg, M.D., JD, chief radiologist and owner of Allison Breast Center. “Earlier CAD systems with older software technology, which are still widely in use, certainly flag far too many abnormalities, reducing diagnostic confidence and wasting time.”
Bigg noted that VuComp CAD has also been an important aid in helping patients understand their situation — and in gaining their confidence. “Surprisingly, not all patients when shown an abnormality on a mammogram are comfortable with proceeding to an immediate biopsy, especially when these are small and more subtle. I spend a lot of time convincing reluctant patients of the need for biopsy. I’ve found that when I point out VuComp’s CAD marks on their mammogram it helps them to understand and become more comfortable with the recommendation.”
The VuComp system received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to work with film mammography systems in January 2012, and a supplementary approval for digital mammography in October 2012. While CAD systems have been used in clinical practice since the mid-1990s, recent FDA guidelines have significantly raised the bar for CAD performance and now recommend comprehensive reader studies proving that radiologists are more effective when they use CAD. The VuComp system is the only FDA-approved mammography CAD product that meets these recommendations.
For more information: www.vucomp.com