September 2, 2021 — At the recent 2021 AAPM Meeting in July, Sun Nuclear Corporation featured its comprehensive portfolio of independent, integrated quality management solutions for radiation therapy and diagnostic imaging. Highlighted in the Sun Nuclear virtual booth and educational program were advances for the SunCHECK software platform, which enables centralized and standardized Radiation Therapy Quality Management, and the SRS MapCHECK array, which facilitates fast, film-less, and proven quality assurance (QA) for stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) treatments.
New Comprehensive Support for Accuray’s CyberKnife System
For clinical users of Sun Nuclear’s ArcCHECK, MapCHECK and SRS MapCHECK devices, SNC Patient software powers efficient, measurement-based Patient QA workflows. With the release of SNC Patient version 8.5, the SRS MapCHECK device now offers both Machine QA and Patient QA for the Accuray CyberKnife System. Expanded capabilities include Film-less MLC QA, Iris Beam QA, and Targeting Accuracy QA (TAQA). In addition, SNC Patient version 8.5 further expands SRS MapCHECK and ArcCHECK compatibility for a range of treatment delivery systems. Preview the new capabilities during this AAPM talk:
What’s New from Sun Nuclear - SNC Patient v8.5
Presented July 26, 10:30 AM EDT, Kristin Van Casteren, Sun Nuclear
“With our growing global community of clinical users and continued feature enhancements, SRS MapCHECK has become the gold standard solution for film-less stereotactic QA,” said Jeff Zack, Sun Nuclear Senior Director of RT Measurements. “We’re pleased that it is now also the first comprehensive QA solution for CyberKnife users.”
Learn about one user’s experience with the SRS MapCHECK device during this AAPM talk: What's New from Sun Nuclear - Essential Tools for Stereotactic Treatments (Chris Bowen, M.S., DABR, Medical Physicist, Mosaic Life Care Cancer Center).
Expanded SunCHECK Platform Machine QA
More than 1,000+ users worldwide rely on Sun Nuclear’s SunCHECK Platform to standardize Machine QA and Patient QA among staff, sites and equipment. The latest version 3.2 software release offers 50+ feature enhancements. New Machine QA features enhance task and template customization, expand imaging task support, and enable easy template sharing. Learn more:
What’s New from Sun Nuclear - SunCHECK Platform Enhancements
Presented July 28, 10:30 AM EDT, Jason Tracy, M.S., DABR, RT(T), Sun Nuclear
For an in-depth 1:1 discussion of these solutions, attendees were invited to visit the Sun Nuclear virtual booth. Attendees are also encouraged to attend this guided tour — Patient Specific QA Guided Tour: Improving Patient Outcomes through Automation of Error Detection During Treatment (Jennifer Hamilton, M.E., DABR, Sun Nuclear).
For more information: sunnuclear.com/aapm