The American College of Radiology (ACR) recently published a statement on its website confirming that log file measurement based QA satisfies radiation oncology practice accreditation requirements for pre-treatment dose delivery verification. The ACR states that the log file method meets the requirements of the Practice Parameters for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) “since a physical measurement of the delivery is performed and, through three-dimensional analysis, the entire delivered distribution is compared to the planned one.”
Nathan Childress Ph.D., founder of Mobius Medical Systems said, “We developed MobiusFX to provide clinicians with a more efficient and more accurate way to perform patient specific quality assurance. We are pleased to have the ACR confirm that our approach meets their rigorous standards for accreditation.”
Mobius Medical System’s MobiusFX module within Mobius3D is the only commercially available system utilizing measured log files to perform patient specific end-to-end testing. MobiusFX uses the measured data from log files and a proprietary collapsed-cone convolution-superposition algorithm to determine three-dimensional dose to the patient. The process is completely automated and requires only the time needed to deliver the treatment fields.
For more information: www.mobiusmed.com