February 21, 2008 – McKesson has formed a strategic relationship with Proventys Inc., a personalized medicine service provider, in which McKesson will incorporate Proventys' risk prediction capabilities into its core clinical decision support solutions, as part of McKesson’s overall strategy to offer personalized clinical decision making.

Founded by Duke University Chancellor Emeritus Ralph Snyderman, M.D., Proventys translates predictive data from traditional and emerging diagnostic tests, including genomics, proteomics and metabolomics, into clinical decision support solutions. The system uses predictive modeling to enable personalized clinical decisions at the point of care and aims to prevent disease and adverse responses to medications and other therapies. The tool will be part of McKesson’s Horizon Knowledge Center clinical content offering.

Dr. Snyderman, chairman of Proventys, has played a leading role in the emerging healthcare paradigm known as prospective medicine, which focuses on personalized risk prediction in order to prevent disease, versus waiting for disease to occur and then treating it, often in its acute or chronic stages.
“Chronic disease degrades the quality of life and longevity for a vast and increasing number of people,” Dr. Snyderman explained. “Inefficient spending on the acute treatment of chronic disease has exploded in the United States and accounts for nearly three-quarters of all healthcare expenses. “Until recently, our best preventative or therapeutic attempts were based on general patient variables, or on one-size-fits-all treatment regimens. Proventys is leading the industry toward a new individualized approach to healthcare by integrating the latest advances in using risk factors derived from clinical research data and biomarkers with state-of-the-art bioinformatics technologies to develop personalized clinical predictive models to thereby inform better clinical decisions.”

For more information: www.mckesson.com and www.proventys.com

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