Jan. 4, 2007 - HMS Technologies Inc. was awarded Tuesday with a medical device GSA Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) for the EZ-IO product system manufactured by Vidacare Corp. The GSA FSS contract number, issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is V797P-4984A.

The EZ-IO product system provides a method of accessing the circulation through the intraosseous (IO) route, a technique that is being used by an increasing number of emergency care personnel for resuscitation and stabilization. IO infusion accesses the central circulation through blood vessels within the bone marrow that are held open by a rigid, non-collapsible bony wall. Medications administered through the IO route reach the central circulation in about one second, equivalent to the central venous route.

Guidelines issued by the American Heart Association recommend that IO be used as a first alternative to intravenous access in cardiac arrest.

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