Enterprise Imaging: The Next Step in IT Health

enterprise imaging
Predictions are usually based less on what will come than what has been. They are projections of the recent past. That realization makes me a little…
Big data, enterprise imaging
No one really knows how epiphanies come to be. Those moments of enlightenment, slivers in time, when the curtains are thrown back and there, revealed…
enterprise imaging
Physicians work differently. What they do and how they do it depends on their specialty. Radiologists and cardiologists, general practitioners and…
Will Enterprise Imaging Save Hippocratic Medicine?
Hippocrates viewed the patient as a whole. Today physicians tend to see the patient as a collection of parts — cardiologists hearts; orthopedists…
enterprise imaging
Medicine supposedly aches for a universal viewer, one that can satisfy the needs of every physician — cardiologist, radiologist, dermatologist,…
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