Comparison Chart FAQs

  • What if the company or product I am looking for is not a comparison option?

You will be able to see a list of the charts available, and the companies and products appearing in that chart before you are required to subscribe. Providing the content our subscribers need is a top priority. If you are seeking information that is not currently available, please let us know so we can improve. Contact us at [email protected].

  • Where does the comparison chart content come from?

We curated our comparison chart materials by sending out a questionnaire to each of the vendors listed. ITN is the only resource that enables users to conduct side-by-side reviews of the latest technologies and products from the world’s leading vendors.

  • I’m having trouble, how do I get help?

We’re here for you! Please reach out to us at [email protected] and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible during normal business hours.

  • How do I download a PDF of my comparison chart?

Downloading your comparison chart is easy. Once you have clicked on the companies and products you want to compare and your customized chart appears, simply click on the download button at the top right and it will download a version to save and/or print.

  • Can I print my chart?

Yes, you can print comparison charts. After creating your comparison chart, click the download button at the top of the chart to download, save and print your customized version.

  • How do I print out a receipt for my purchase?

Finding your receipt is easy. Simply, click on the sign-in button at the top right. Enter the username and password used to sign up for the subscription. On the navigation bar, click on the user icon and click on My Orders in the drop-down. All your orders will appear. Just click on the order number to show a page with order details and then click on the download button to print and/or save the receipt.

  • Can I cancel my subscription?

Annual subscriptions do not automatically renew and are non-refundable. Your subscription will automatically terminate 365 days after your purchase- but don’t worry, we will notify you ahead of time to ensure no gaps in service. For more information, please view our Terms and Conditions

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