Danmeter will introduce its new CSM Wireless Display with a large color screen for enhanced parameter viewing during the 2007 ASA show.

The Wireless Display complements the Danmeter Cerebral State Monitor (CSM), which is a state of the art portable and affordable brain function monitor that indicates the level of consciousness during sedation. Powered by Danmeter’s Cerebral State Index (CSI), the CSM displays the direct effect of anesthetics and sedatives on the brain as a number between 0 and 100, with 40 to 60 indicating an optimal target for surgical anesthesia.

The CSM has five display screens with the CSI displayed on all screens — an EEG waveform screen, two screens for time related events and one to check impedance of the low profile and patient-friendly neuro sensors.

The CSM System also has optional equipment including a Wireless Link for patient documentation.

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