A web-enhanced telephone conference co-sponsored by NACVA and Reardon Consulting on Thursday, December 14 from 2-4 p.m. Eastern will address Pay for Performance (P4P) in physician healthcare reimbursements and its implications upon future value decisions.
Topics to be addressed include background of P4P and federal efforts, practical applications of P4P, and the legal parameters on health plan payments to providers to reward quality.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will discuss their initiative in moving toward Pay for Performance, including: Overview of CMS' Pay for Performance-improvement roadmap, transparency and horizon scanning and Elements of P4P.
Attendees will include valuators involved in performing Fair Market Value Opinions for their clients; accountants and attorneys involved in providing healthcare consulting services to their clients; healthcare executives and consultants involved in retaining valuation and consulting services for their respective institutions and practices; and practitioners interested in entering into the healthcare-consulting arena