Where are the synergies of bringing together Elekta and IMPAC? The synergies are numerous, but all converge on our ...
What’s so intriguing about extremity imaging that Hologic is delving into it with such intensity and passion? If you ...
Patient safety is on everyone's mind today. In the lab setting, what types of errors are most prevalent in your opinion ...
eHealth Saskatchewan plays a vital role in providing IT services to patients, health care providers, and partners such ...
With all new technologies come new challenges. As imaging has evolved within the pathology domain from analog to digital, causing radiology and pathology imaging to crossover, the devices that generate the digital images pose several challenges.
It’s like a never-ending battle — that’s how Lena Napolitano, M.D., describes the recent and sharp rise in nosocomial ...

SPONSORED CONTENT — Fujifilm’s latest CT technology brings exceptional image quality to a compact and user- and patient ...
Medical diagnostic imaging is one of the fastest growing areas in medicine. Much of this growth is fueled by advances in ...
While most women understand the importance of health screenings, an estimated 72 million have missed or postponed a ...
Sometimes you just can’t get away from a thing. A series of coincidences sprinkle your week with irony, you’re bombarded ...
Radiology is currently experiencing a very volatile state, as advancements in device technology are creating a new ...
Prior to the mid-1990s, clinicians could choose from a limited number of devices to biopsy palpable and nonpalpable ...
Fujifilm’s APERTO Lucent is a 0.4T mid-field, open MRI system addressing today’s capability and image quality needs ...
One of the best strategies Greg Martin uses to make friends is to find his enemies — at least when it comes to fostering ...
Riding along in the car recently, my 13-year-old son told me that viewing a Holocaust dramatization and then meeting ...
An invaluable tool for radiology, cardiology and various other departments throughout the enterprise, PACS is now in hot ...
SPONSORED CONTENT — Fujifilm’s latest CT technology brings exceptional image quality to a compact and user- and patient ...
As a successful, independent, three-site imaging center conducting more than 60,000 outpatient procedures each year in ...
Good technology strategies have served LaPorte Hospital and Health Services well, and continue to provide a backbone for ...

SPONSORED CONTENT — EnsightTM 2.0 is the newest version of Enlitic’s data standardization software framework. Ensight is ...
Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH), Canada’s preeminent radiation therapy treatment facility, annually treats more than 10 ...
The tremendous accuracy with which a physician can treat tumors with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is the ...
Image fusion — combining image data from different modalities, and of which hybrid imaging is a subset — is ...
On a recent road trip to Arizona in my RV, I noticed that the dashboard indicator for the engine temperature did not ...
How is NeuroLogica upholding its conviction that all people, regardless of where they live, should have access to high ...
Any time a patient can be administered minimally invasive treatments percutaneously, have an increased chance at abridged recovery time and a reduced or eliminated hospital visit, it’s a step in the right direction. Efficiency is crucial, and interventional imaging is becoming more effective each year.