Sponsored Content | Podcast | PET Imaging | November 07, 2018

PET is getting ready to venture outside oncology, cardiology and mainstream neurology. High on the list of new clinical turf is sports medicine.

If ongoing clinical studies validate early results, patients whose ACLs have been surgically repaired could be among the first to benefit. Others may include patients with other orthopedic injuries, as well as head trauma victims suspected of having concussions.

Michael Knopp, M.D., discussed these possibilities in a podcast with ITN Contributing Editor Greg Freiherr in this special Podcast series leading up to RSNA, sponsored by Philips Healthcare. This is the first in the series.

Listen to the PODCAST: PET Ready To Expand Into Sports Medicine And Beyond.

For additional information, read the article PET Ready To Expand Into Sports Medicine And Beyond

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